By Randy Gonzalez, Ride Coordinator

  • All riders must wear Snell/ANSI rated helmets.
    Riders without helmets will not be provided with cue sheets, nor considered official participants of the club ride.
  • Have your bike in proper working order before the start of the ride.
  • Arrive 10-15 minutes before the posted start time.
  • Make sure to have a spare tube or patch kit and at least one water bottle.
  • If weather conditions are questionable, the ride host may notify club members through Facebook or make a decision at the starting location.
  • Ride hosts can download waiver forms here (8/7/24)
1 Flat (easiest)
2 Moderate terrain with easiest of hills (almost anyone can handle)
3 Moderate hills with some steeper grades (moderately challenging, but within the ability of most riders)
4 The number and difficulty of hills is quite substantial (very challenging)
5 Extreme challenge - steep and long hills most of the ride (requires a very high fitness level)
Date Time Ride Name & GPS Link Rating Miles Location Host
Sat Mar 22 11:00 AM MCP03 Kutztown / Moselem Loop 3 36 Maidencreek Community Park on Park Rd. in Blandon Randy G.
Sun Mar 23 11:00 AM CW21 Millcreek - Wolmelsdorf Coffee Shop 3 38 Conrad Weiser East Elementary School on Lincoln Rd. in Wernersville Matt F.
Sat Mar 29 11:00 AM WY29 Wolmelsdorf - Robesonia 3 41 Wyomissing H.S. off Clayton Ave. in Wyomissing Randy G.
Sun Mar 30 11:00 AM SV08 Blue Marsh Lake Loop 3 37 Schuylkill Valley Elementary School, Ashley Drive in Leesport Randy G.
Sat Apr 5 9:00 AM CW40 Ramble to Reistville 2 51 conrad Weiser East Elementary School on Lincoln Rd. in Wernersville Jane B.
Sat Apr 5 10:00 AM AD14b Stevens - Weidmansville - Denver Loop 3 25 Weavers Markets, Rt.272 and Rt. 897 near Adamstown. Park at Rear of Store TBD
Sun Apr 6 10:00 AM DB27b Chester County 4 36 Daniel Boone Middle School Weavertown Rd. Amityville TBD
Sat Apr 12 10:00 AM WI34b South Mountain - Middle Creek Loop 3 39 Wilson High School Parking Lot - Upper Bill R.
Sun Apr 13 9:00 AM SV02 Dryville Hotel Ride 4 42 Schuylkill Valley Elementary School, Ashley Drive in Leesport Jane B.
Sun Apr 13 10:00 AM SL08 Limekiln - Oley Ride 2 27 Exeter School District Office Brad S.
Sat Apr 19 9:00 AM AD13 Lancaster County Ramble 2 62 Weavers Markets, Rt.272 and Rt. 897 near Adamstown. Park at Rear of Store Jane B.
Sat Apr 19 10:00 AM AD08 Denver - Schoeneck (more hills) 3 25 Weavers Markets, Rt.272 and Rt. 897 near Adamstown. Park at Rear of Store TBD
Sun Apr 20 10:00 AM NT14 Backwards Penn Valley Ride 2 42 North Reading Plaza (Walmart) Rt. 222 in Temple (Behind McDonalds) RandyG
Tue Apr 22 6:00 P.M. Tuesday Night Ride
3 Groups; A, B, C
2 20 Oley High School Parking Lot TBD
Sat Apr 26 9:00 AM NT32 Great Northern Berks 4 55 North Reading Plaza (Walmart) Rt. 222 in Temple (Behind McDonalds) Jane B.
Sat Apr 26 10:00 AM NT37 Short Penn Valley Ride 3 28 North Reading Plaza (Walmart) Rt. 222 in Temple (Behind McDonalds) TBD
Sun Apr 27 10:00 AM SX01 Sly Fox to Sly Fox 1 42 Parking lot N end of 8th Ave near Sly Fox Wyomissing Randy G.
Tue Apr 29 6:00 P.M. Tuesday Night Ride
3 Groups; A, B, C
2 20 Oley High School Parking Lot TBD